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  • E-Sign Disclosure (FR)


Eigen Development Ltd., Eigen Services (U.S.) Corp., and its affiliates (collectively, "Eigen") are required by law to give you certain information "in writing," meaning you are entitled to receive it on paper. However, with your prior consent, we may instead provide this information to you electronically. We also need your general consent to use electronic records and signatures throughout our relationship with you. Accordingly, before you may use any of our Eigen Products (defined below), you must review and consent to the terms outlined herein.

Definitions in this E-Sign Consent

  • "We," "us," "our," and "Eigen" means Eigen Development Ltd., Eigen Services (U.S.) Corp., and each and every current and future affiliate of Eigen.
  • "You" and "your" means the person giving this E-Sign Consent, and each additional account owner, authorized signer, authorized representative, delegate, product owner and/or service user identified on any Eigen Product you apply for, use, or access.
  • "Communications" means each disclosure, notice, agreement, fee schedule, statement, record, document, order forms, billing statements, and other information we provide to you, or that you sign, submit, or agree to at our request.
  • "Electronic Records" means Communications provided to you, or that you sign or agree to at our request, in electronic form.
  • "Electronic Service" means each and every product and service we offer that you apply for, use, administer, or access using the Internet, a website, email, messaging services (including text messaging), and/or software applications (including applications for mobile or hand-held devices), either now or in the future.
  • "Eigen Product" means each and every account, product, or service we offer that you apply for, own, use, administer or access, either now or in the future. Eigen Products include Electronic Services.
  • The words "include" and "including," when used at the beginning of a list of one or more items, indicates that the list contains examples; the list is not exclusive or exhaustive, the items in the list are only illustrations, and the items are not the only possible items that could appear in the list.

Electronic Delivery of Agreements and Use of Electronic Signatures

In our sole discretion, we may provide Communications electronically by email, or by making them accessible via Eigen websites or applications. Communications include, but are not limited to, (1) agreements and policies required to use the Eigen Products (e.g. this Consent, Eigen’s Privacy Policy, and the Eigen General Customer Agreement, etc.), (2) payment authorizations and transaction receipts or confirmations, and (3) account statements and history. We may also use electronic signatures and obtain them from you as part of our transactions with you.

There may be certain Communications that by law we are not permitted to deliver to you electronically, even with your consent. So long as required by law, we will continue to deliver those Communications to you in writing. However, if the law changes in the future and permits any of those Communications to be delivered as Electronic Records, this E-Sign Consent will automatically cover those Communications as well.

System Requirements

To access, retain, and receive Electronic Records, you will need the following:

  • A computer or mobile device with an active connection to the Internet.
  • Access to the email address that you have provided to Eigen for the Eigen Products.
    • Note: if you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your email address book.
  • For website-based Electronic Records, a current web browser that includes 128-bit encryption. The browser must have cookies enabled. Minimum recommended browser standards are:
  • A current version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader)
  • Sufficient electronic storage space to save Electronic Records electronically and/or a printer to print a paper version of the Electronic Record.

Requesting a Paper or Archived Copy of Agreements

Upon execution of an Electronic Record, Eigen will provide you with the Electronic Record in a standard electronic format to facilitate your ability to retain the record for future access. We archive all Electronic Records 90 days after the date of execution.

You may request Electronic Records in paper form or archived Electronic Records from Eigen in accordance with the process and fees listed below (unless charging a fee for a particular Electronic Record is prohibited by applicable law). You can request a paper copy or an archived electronic copy of an Electronic Record through one of the following methods: (i) email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (ii) contact your Eigen account representative, or (iii) write to Eigen at one of the following addresses:

Eigen Canada Address:

Eigen Development Ltd.
1807 West 10th Avenue,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6J 2A9

Paper Copy Fees
CAD $75.00 per document

Electronic Copy Fees
CAD $75.00 per document
(Fee waived if requested within 90 days
after the date of execution)

Eigen USA Address:

Eigen Services (U.S.) Corp
6100 Neil Road, Suite 500
Reno, NV USA 89511

Paper Copy Fees
USD $75.00 per document

Electronic Copy Fees
CAD $75.00 per document
(Fee waived if requested within 90 days after the date of execution)

Please note that it may take up to 90 days to process your request once it is received.

Consent Covers All Eigen Products

Your consent covers all Communications relating to any Eigen Product. Your consent remains in effect until you give us notice you are withdrawing your consent.

Withdrawal of Consent to Electronic Agreements

You may withdraw your consent to receive Electronic Records at any time by writing to the Eigen Canada Address or the Eigen USA Address. However, withdrawal of your consent to receive Electronic Records may result in additional fees for the Eigen Products, or termination of the Eigen Products(s) at our sole discretion. Any withdrawal of your consent will be effective after a reasonable period of time for processing your request.

Updating Your Email Address

It is your responsibility to provide a true, accurate, and complete e-mail address, contact, and other information related to the Electronic Records, and to maintain and update promptly any changes in this information. You can update your email address by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or your Eigen account representative, writing to the Eigen Canada Address or Eigen USA Address, or by telephone at 1-877-736-7733. You may also be able to change your email address through the Eigen Product.

Changes to Hardware or Software Requirements

If our hardware or software requirements change, and that change would create a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain your Electronic Records, we will give you notice of the revised hardware or software requirements. Continuing to use Electronic Services after receiving notice of the change is reaffirmation of your consent.

By providing your consent, you are confirming that you have the hardware and software described above, that you are able to receive and review Electronic Records, and that you have an active email account. You are also confirming that you are authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all the other account owners, authorized signers, authorized representatives, delegates, product owners and/or service users identified with your Eigen Products.